Daycare centers, small home daycares, nannies, au pairs
Children and parenting
A week in the life: where time goes with three kids
Tracking sleep, work, time with the kids, and all the rest.
How to talk with kids about race?
I think some of what I’ve said has backfired.
Babies are different from most of our reality
If you proposed our current method of reproduction to a medical ethics board, I assume they would be horrified.
What startup founders should think about before having kids
Whether / when / how to make it work
Kid donations, 2020 and 2021
I told L that Jeff and I would give her $20 to donate as she chose at the end of December. We sat down and she listed her ideas, which were all about helping homeless people.
Kids, gifts, and materialism
My older kids are 7 and 5, and we’ve hit a period of envy and materialism that’s made Christmas a bit more complicated.
Mealtime rules at our house
Singing at the table only if everyone present says it’s ok.
How many kids lose an eye? (not many)
One year of data on all the kids in Scotland who got treated for eye injuries
Book review: The Origins of You
The dual-risk hypothesis: an underlying vulnerability puts one at risk of developing a problem, but only when a particular stress is experienced.