Unfortunately we landed on a pretty bad drug as a default.
“Sugar rush” in children seems to be confirmation bias
There’s little evidence that sugar makes kids hyper.
What are the results of more parental supervision and less outdoor play?
Ups and downs for mental health and injury rates
Nose / throat treatments for respiratory infections
A shallow dive on stuff that might keep you from getting sick, or shorten your infection.
Divorce statistics
Maybe not as bad as you thought?
How many kids lose an eye? (not many)
One year of data on all the kids in Scotland who got treated for eye injuries
Reducing schizophrenia risk
My plan was to reassure myself that my kids were unlikely to get schizophrenia, but it turns out reading a lot about schizophrenia was not a good way to put myself at ease.
Lead paint
Reducing kids’ exposure to lead from paint, dust, and soil